Summary Info

Displays statistics about the current scene.


Summary Info includes the following:

Scene Totals: Number of objects in your scene listed by type.

Mesh Totals: Total number of vertices and faces in the scene.

Memory Usage: Physical and virtual memory used and available.

Rendering: Time spent rendering the last frame, animation, and video post.

Description: Lets you enter notes about the scene.

Summary Info: Lists materials in the scene. The information is sorted by category and includes object name, assigned material name, type of material, object vertex and faces counts, etc. Materials are listed at the bottom of the list. Bitmaps used by the materials are listed with the materials. Environmental and atmospheric maps are listed separately. The Other Maps category lists all other maps used in the scene, such as Displace maps, and any maps assigned by third-party plug-ins. Video Post maps are not included.

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog have the following functions:

Save to File: Saves the contents of the dialog and descriptive text to a .txt (text) file.

Plug-In Info: Displays a subdialog with information about the plug-ins used in the scene. By default, the subdialog shows the name and a brief description of each plug-in.

Show Details: Shows information about all of the classes supported by each plug-in.

Show Used Only: Restricts the view to only those plug-ins that have been used in the scene.

How To

To display summary information for your scene