The following transform properties are always interpreted with respect to the current working coordinate system as defined by the currently active coordsys context. The default coordsys is world.
The transform properties are derived from and modify the values of the transform controllers associated with the node, they are not associated directly with the node's main transformation matrix. This has a number of consequences:
r = $foo.transform.rotationPart
which returns a quaternion. Remember, however, that the MAX rotation direction convention is not reflected when directly accessing a transform matrix, so to use this value in other rotation operations you would need to invert it:
$baz.rotation = inverse r.
<node>.pos -- can use .position synonym throughout
<node>.dir -- local z-axis direction vector
<node>.transform -- the node's main transformation matrix
Note that rotation in the internal transformation matrices is left-handed in contradiction to the MAX UI and MAXScript. Take care when mixing rotation derived from these matrices and rotation used in rotation-related functions or from rotation properties.
<node>.objecttransform -- pivot offset tm
This is a boolean property (unlike its value as a signed float in the MAX track view) - true or on denotes visible, false or off invisible. Animate this property to control an object's visibility at render-time, for example:
animate on
at time 0 $foo.visibility = on
at time 35 $foo.visibility = off
at time 57 $foo.visibility = on