All rendering jobs submitted to the network rendering queue are shown in the Job Queue display, located on the left side of the Queue manager window.
The Job Queue shows a hierarchical list of all jobs queued with the currently connected network manager. The Render Queue icon at the top of the list represents the network manager.
Each job is denoted by an icon reflecting its current status. The servers are also denoted by specific icons that reflect their current status.
Job is Active and currently rendering.
Job is Pending. All jobs submitted after the Active job are "waiting in line" for the Active job to finish. As jobs are completed, Pending jobs become Active in the order they were submitted.
Job is Inactive. The job was either submitted as Inactive or made Inactive through using the Queue Manager. Inactive jobs must be manually reactivated to give them an Active or Pending status.
Job is Completed. All frames in the sequence have been rendered successfully. You can delete this job from the queue if you wish.
One or more Servers on the Job have Failed. Check the failed Server’s Log for error messages regarding the failure (i.e. missing bitmaps, plug-ins, texture coordinates, etc.). A server’s log file can be viewed in the Queue Manager by simply highlighting the failed server and clicking on the log file tab. Make the appropriate corrections and resubmit the job. See Troubleshooting.
Server is Assigned and Active. The server is rendering the current Active job.
Server is Assigned but Absent. The server is assigned to the rendering task but is not currently rendering. This can occur, for example, when the server is either busy rendering another job, is turned off, is not running the Server application.
Server is Assigned and in Error. Check the Server’s Log in the Queue Manager for details regarding the error. See Troubleshooting.
Server is Unassigned. The server can be brought online by Activating it from the toolbar.
Refresh updates the displays of the Job Queue Display and the Status Display.
Understanding the Status Display