The virtual frame buffer is a separate window in which 3DS MAX displays rendered output. 3DS MAX also displays still images in the virtual frame buffer when you choose the View File command from the File menu.
The virtual frame buffer window has controls to:
The virtual frame buffer can display several other channels if you are rendering RLA files and have specified that you want them.
You can now read the color/alpha value and coordinate location of any pixel in the Virtual Frame Buffer image. Right-click over the image while the virtual frame buffer is displayed. While holding down the right mouse button, a dialog displays various information about the pixel under the mouse pointer.
In addition, a color swatch in the toolbar stores the color value of the last pixel you clicked on. You can drag and drop this color swatch to any other color swatch in 3DS MAX, or you can click the color swatch to display the Color Selector dialog for further detail. In addition, you can leave the Color Selector dialog displayed while right-clicking over the image in the virtual frame buffer.