

Windows are useful for architectural models. The Window models let you control details of a Window's appearance. You can also set most kinds of Windows to be open, partially open, or closed.

There are six kinds of windows. Casement Windows have one or two door-like sashes that swing inward or outward. Pivoted Windows pivot at the center of their sash, either vertically or horizontally. Projected Windows have three sashes, two of which open like awnings in opposite directions. Sliding Windows have two sashes, one of which slides either vertically or horizontally. Fixed Windows don't open. Awning Windows have a sash that is hinged at the top.

The topic for each kind of window describes its unique controls and behavior. Most window parameters are common to all kinds of windows, and are described here.



Creation Method Parameters

Each type of window has the same three items in its Creation Method rollout:

Width/Depth/Height: Sets the mouse to create the first two points defining the width and angle of the base of the window. The second point specifies the width of the window. This lets you align the window with a wall or opening when you place it. The third point specifies the depth of the window, and the fourth specifies the height.

Width/Height/Depth: This option works in the same way as the Width/Depth/Height option, except that the last two points create the Height and then the Depth.

Allow Non-vertical Jambs: When this is checked, and 3D Snap is on (allowing snapping to points off of the construction plane), you can create tilted windows by clicking on points off the construction plane. Since tilted window are not a standard item, this checkbox defaults to clear.

Windows Parameters

Height/Width/Depth: Specifies the overall dimensions of the window.


Frame Area

Horiz. Width: Sets the horizontal width of the window within the frame.

Vert. Width: Sets the vertical width of the window within the frame.

Thickness: Sets the thickness of the frame. This also controls the thickness of casements or railings on the window's sashes.


Glazing Area

Thickness: Specifies the thickness of the glass.

Generate Mapping Coordinates: Creates the object with the appropriate mapping coordinates already applied.


How To

To create a window:

  1. Drag to set the window's length and width.
  2. Release the mouse. You can move the mouse again to change the window's height (that is, its depth), but usually you will want to simply click to set the height at the default value.