101 System info (HDBENCH99) (&A)... 30102 񍳔򠸖󋳬0殅0R璭W0~0Y0K0 30103 do you Disconnect Internet ? 30104 簒崐 30105 Confirmation 30106 HDBSUB.HDBL0媺d0K00~0[00g0W0_0 30107 hdbsub.hdb not found 30108 00򧀬L0媺d0K00~0[00g0W0_0 HDBSUB.HDBL0銼D0颯齹'`L0B00~0Y00 30109 routine not found HDBSUB.HDB is old vertion 30110 򠸖񸰄򼜐0񍮲n0zzM0筟蠎L0硩0~0[000 \n焄L垝0-NbkW0~0Y00 30111 The vacancy capacity of a target drive is not sufficient. \nImplementation is suspended. 30112 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 EP829e/K0Z0 30113 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 ep82kazu 30114 HDBENCH0B}哊W0~0Y00 30115 HDBENCH is closed. 30116 P}済0pS7RW0~0Y00 30117 The result is printed. 30118 P}済𖐼0򭆄󺅮0k0񻷦0W0~0Y00 30119 Result is copied to a clip board. 30120 򈆸򶖆臽1X0h:yW0~0Y00 30121 System information is displayed. 30122 󭯤󪧐񄘖00h:yW0~0Y00 30123 A help file is displayed. 30124 P}済𖑆00h:yW0~0Y00 30125 The result is displayed a graph. 30126 񠌌򈎄0n0-姎[0L圖0~0Y0 30127 setting of an option. 30128 񍳔򠸖󋳬0K00򹟖򠧲򣯲0000W0~0Y00 30129 download data from the Internet. 30130 Y0y0f0n0󰵬򦽚0񯙲榡uk0陙誖焄L圵0~0Y00 30131 automatic all benchmark to run. 30132 CPUn0󰵬򦽚0񯙲焄L圵0~0Y00 30133 cpu benchmark to run. 30134 VIDEOn0󰵬򦽚0񯙲焄L圵0~0Y00 30135 video benchmark to run. 30136 MEMORYn0󰵬򦽚0񯙲焄L圵0~0Y00 30137 memory benchmark to run. 30138 DRIVEn0󰵬򦽚0񯙲焄L圵0~0Y00 30139 drive benchmark to run. 30140 󰵬򦽚0񯙲L團0򿦈񍮲0-姎[鶴eg~0Y00 30141 A drive can be set up. 30142 󰵬򦽚00Bfk0O(uY00筟蠎0c歔鶴eg~0Y00 30143 The capacity uses at the time of benchmark. 30144 DirectDraw󰵬0n0w嵳Rk01YWeW0~0W0_00 30145 failed to the run of DirectDraw bench. 30146 S0n0򿦈񍮲g0o0,n歔g0M0~0[000 30147 this drive is not able to measure. 30148 * * * %s 0焄L-N0* * * 30149 benchmark of %s 30150 tepeo梴 30151 Integer computation 30152 nm誖\pe筽o梴 30153 Floating decimal point computation 30154 Memory Read 30155 Memory Write 30156 Memory Read&Write 30157 Disk 30158 CPUID.HDBL0媺d0K00~0[00. 30159 CPUID00򧀬L0媺d0K00~0[00. 30160 hT鈒pe,n歔00򧀬L0媺d0K00~0[00 61440 嫊O0 61441 TMR0豊Q0f0軴X[ 61442 Y0y0f0n0gr (*.*) 61443 !qL 61446 !qL榥0gr 61457 ^梙:y(&H) 61472 tp o~p|o0B00~0[000 61473 {pU00f0D0j0D0蚫\O0焄L圵0~0W0_00 61474 臺亯j0p}0)R(ug0M0~0[00g0W0_00 61475 L0 N硩W0f0D0~0Y00 61476 Nfj0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61696 !q筊j0gr Tg0Y00 61697 wm0嫊O0S0h0k01YWeW0~0W0_00 61698 wmn0軴X[k01YWeW0~0W0_00 61699 %1 x0n0 Y鬴0軴X[W0~0Y0K0? 61700 zzn0wmn0\Obk01YWeW0~0W0_00 61701 grL0'YM0Y0N0f0嫊Q0~0[000 61702 pS7R|n0嫊薡g0M0~0[00g0W0_00 61703 n0w嵳Rk01YWeW0~0W0_00 61704 qyp|nn0匭钀tpg0Y00 61705 zn0焄L坘01YWeW0~0W0_00 61706 N硩n0_00焄L坓0M0~0[000 61707 |} |} to0JRd朥00f0D0~0Y00~0_00INI grL0B004XTo00INI gr0JRd朥00~0W0_00 61708 N钀n0|} |} t (~0_0o0 INI gr) o0JRd朥00~0[00g0W0_00 61709 S0n0xk0o0gr %s L0臺亯g0Y0L0S0n0|} Nk0媺d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 61710 S0n0xo0 k=則x}p %s k0gr %s 匭g0xU00f0D0~0Y00S0n0zmpo0扤踓'`n0j0D0p|nn0 %s 0+T0g0D00颯齹'`L0B00~0Y00 61712 tepe0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61713 peW[0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61714 %1 K00 %2 ~0g0n0tepe0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61715 %1 K00 %2 ~0g0n0peW[0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61716 %1 噀W[錘匭g0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61717 0x悶bW0f0O0`0U0D00 61718 0 K00 255 ~0g0n0tepe0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61719 ckn0tepe0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61720 錯豊/Bf;R0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61721 惃寢W0eQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 61728 圢gW0j0D0grb__g0Y00 61729 %1\nS0n0grL0媺d0K00~0[000\n}h0gr TL0ckW0D0K0i0F0K0簒崐W0f0`0U0D00 61730 鶴汻HQn0h}x rn0zzM0筟蠎L0 N硩W0f0D0~0Y00 61731 %1 o0O(u-Nn0_000瓓0諷0~0[000 61732 %1 o0O(u-N~0_0o0瓓0諷0\(un0_000鴉M0紡0~0[000 61733 %1 n0瓓0諷0-Nk0圢gW0j0D0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61734 %1 n0鴉M0紡0-Nk0圢gW0j0D0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61836 鴉M0紡0\(uhK00o0瓓0諷0~0[000 61837 瓓0諷0\(uhk0o0鴉M0紡0~0[000 61840 p |} {p0瓓0紡0~0[000 61841 p |} DLL L0!q筊g0Y00 61842 pn0愥Ok01YWeW0~0W0_00 61856 tpo0B00~0[00g0W0_00 61857 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0 Nfj0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61858 %1 L0媺d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 61859 %1 k0o0!q筊j0}L0+T~00f0D0~0Y00 61860 嫊D0f0D00grL0YY0N00_000%1 0嫊Q0~0[00g0W0_00 61861 %1 x0n0qx~}o0襜&TU00~0W0_00 61862 %1 x0!q筊j0gr L0#愗NQ000f0D0~0W0_00 61863 ⺳(Wn0hx %1 o0JRd杇0M0~0[00g0W0_00 61864 %1 0\Obg0M0~0[00g0W0_00]0n0hxo0D0c0q0D0g0Y00 61865 %1 n0|pxk01YWeW0~0W0_00 61866 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0psjq I/O tpL01XJTU00~0W0_00 61867 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0qQ gU愅SL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61868 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0oxU愅SL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61869 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0h}xL0D0c0q0D0k0j00~0W0_00 61870 %1 n0+g>\錘M杒0qx~}W00F0h0W0~0W0_00 61872 tpo0B00~0[00g0W0_00 61873 %1 x0n0qx~}-Nk0 Nfj0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 61874 %1 n0瓓0諷0-Nk0鴉M0紡0F0h0W0~0W0_00 61875 %1 n0+g>\錘M杒0qx~}W00F0h0W0~0W0_00 61876 %1 x0鴉M0紡0-Nk0瓓0諷0F0h0W0~0W0_00 61877 %1 n0b__L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 61878 %1 o0圢gW0j0D0u|jx0+T0g0D0~0Y00 61879 %1 o0 Nckj0}wp0+T0g0D0~0Y00 61888 x~