105	Internet Options
1581	 (Default)
4300	You cannot use the system folder.
4301	Specify a location for your temporary Internet files.
4303	Windows will now restart to finish moving Temporary Internet Files.\nDo you want to continue?\n(All other changes have been saved.)
4304	Registry Error
4305	Warning
4308	Restart
4310	This folder is a computer name or a special folder.
4311	Invalid Path
4314	Internet Options
4318	Disabl&e...
4319	&Enable...
4320	There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
4322	You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial.
4325	This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path.
4424	Are you sure you want Windows to delete your history of visited Web sites?
4427	File Types
4428	url.dll
4455	Are you sure you want to delete this certificate?
4474	Smallest
4475	Smaller
4476	Medium
4477	Larger
4478	Largest
4500	Clear all previously saved form entries except passwords?
4501	Clear all previously saved form passwords?
4602	A user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters:\n	  [ ] , ; =
4603	English
4604	User Defined
4605	An error occurred setting up Automatic Configuration.\nPlease verify that the URL you entered is correct.  If it is, you may need to reinstall Internet Explorer to correct this problem.
4606	To view the new settings, close the Internet Options dialog box, and then reopen it.
4607	The settings for the proxy server you've chosen to use are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection?
4608	Invalid Proxy Server
4610	None
4612	Please select a value between 1 and %d for how much disk space temporary Internet files may use.
4614	The recommended security level for this zone is "%s".\n\nThe security level that you have chosen is lower than this.\n\nAre you sure you want to change the security level?
4615	Warning!
4616	You cannot set the security level for this zone below "%s" .
4617	High security
4618	Medium security
4619	Low security
4620	Network client authentication
4621	Network server authentication
4622	Secure e-mail
4623	Software Publishing
4624	The site name you entered is not valid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://.
4625	Security
4629	Sites added to this zone must use the  https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection.
4630	There was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site.
4631	css
4632	Stylesheets*.cssAll Files*.*
4633	The style sheet you selected could not be found.
4634	Error
4635	Internet Options
4636	pfx
4637	Personal Certificates*.pfx;*.p12All Files*.*
4638	The site you specified already exists in another zone.  Please remove the site from that zone before adding it to the current zone.
4639	You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence.\nExamples of valid patterns:\n	*://*.microsoft.com\n	http://*.microsoft.co.jp\n\n	file:\\localsvr\share\n	*://157.54.100-200.*\nExamples of invalid patterns:\n	http://microsoft.*.com\n	ftp://*
4640	The certificate was successfully exported.
4641	Certificate Exported Successfully
4643	The selected file does not contain a valid certificate, or the certificate is not a Root Authority.
4644	The passwords you entered do not match.  Please re-enter.
4648	Settings
4649	Local Area Network (LAN) Settings
4650	Use a pro&xy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections).
4653	Are you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection?
4655	You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts.
4656	You have entered an invalid redial interval.
4657	You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time.
4659	You do not have restart privileges.
4660	Cannot move Temporary Internet Files.
4661	You cannot place the folder here. Try another location.
4662	This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder.
4665	Please select a folder to which you can add items.
4666	Current location:
4667	New location:
4668	Are you sure you want to change the security settings for this zone?
4669	- The safest way to browse, but also the least functional\n- Less secure features are disabled\n- Appropriate for sites that might have harmful content
4670	- Safe browsing and still functional\n- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content\n- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded\n- Appropriate for most Internet sites
4671	- Same as Medium without prompts\n- Most content will be run without prompts\n- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded\n- Appropriate for sites on your local network (intranet)
4672	- Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided\n- Most content is downloaded and run without prompts\n- All active content can run\n- Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trust
4673	Custom settings.\n- To change the settings, click Custom Level.\n- To use the recommended settings, click Default Level.
4674	High
4675	Medium
4676	Medium-low
4677	Low
4678	Custom
4679	There won't be enough space in the new location for the currently downloaded content.\nPlease either delete these files first and try again, reduce the size of the folder, or pick another location.
4680	Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen.\nPlease select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location.
4681	Temporary Internet Files
4682	Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator.
4683	Internet Control Panel
4684	Undefined
4685	Some of the cookie settings you changed are not compatible with your other cookie policies.  Do you want these to be modified to make them mutually compatible?  After making your selection, please verify settings and continue.
4686	The SSL cache was successfully cleared.
4687	SSL Cache Cleared Successfully
4688	My Computer
4689	Local intranet
4690	Trusted sites
4691	Internet
4692	Restricted sites
4693	Your Computer
4694	This zone contains all Web sites that are on your organization's intranet.
4695	This zone contains Web sites that you trust not to damage your computer or data.
4696	This zone contains all Web sites you haven't placed in other zones
4697	This zone contains Web sites that could potentially damage your computer or data.
4726	Menus and dialog boxes will be displayed in %s.
4728	The Internet
4729	Internet
4731	Always expand ALT text for images
4732	Move system caret with focus/selection changes
4733	Launch browser windows in a separate process
4734	Show friendly URLs
4735	Use smooth scrolling
4736	Enable offline items to be synchronized on a schedule
4737	Enable folder view for FTP sites
4738	Smart image dithering
4739	Play sounds in web pages
4740	Play videos in web pages
4741	Play animations in web pages
4742	Show pictures
4743	Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
4744	Multimedia
4745	Browsing
4746	Accessibility
4747	Security
4748	Show Internet Explorer on the desktop
4749	Do not save encrypted pages to disk
4750	Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed
4752	Use SSL 2.0
4753	Use SSL 3.0
4754	Use TLS 1.0
4756	Enable Profile Assistant
4757	Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode
4758	Warn if forms submittal is being redirected
4759	Warn about invalid site certificates
4760	Check for server certificate revocation (requires restart)
4761	Check for publisher's certificate revocation
4762	Check for signatures on downloaded programs
4769	Printing
4770	Print background colors and images
4771	Search from the Address bar
4774	ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4775	Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4776	Download signed ActiveX controls
4777	Download unsigned ActiveX controls
4778	Java
4779	Java permissions
4782	Scripting
4783	Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe
4784	Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
4785	Access data sources across domains
4786	Active scripting
4787	Scripting of Java applets
4788	User Authentication
4790	Logon
4792	File download
4793	Font download
4794	Miscellaneous
4795	Installation of desktop items
4796	Drag and drop or copy and paste files
4797	Submit nonencrypted form data
4798	Launching programs and files in an IFRAME
4799	Always
4800	Always search
4801	Always ask
4802	Never search
4803	Enable
4804	Prompt
4805	Disable
4806	Administrator approved
4807	Anonymous logon
4808	Prompt for user name and password
4809	Automatic logon with current username and password
4810	Automatic logon only in Intranet zone
4814	Low safety
4815	Medium safety
4816	High safety
4817	Custom
4818	Disable Java
4822	HTTP 1.1 settings
4823	Use HTTP 1.1
4824	Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections
4825	Always
4826	Never
4827	Hover
4828	Underline links
4829	Enable page transitions
4830	Software channel permissions
4831	Disable script debugging
4832	Display a notification about every script error
4833	Show friendly HTTP error messages
4834	Show Channel bar at startup (if Active Desktop is off)
4835	Notify when downloads complete
4836	Enable Install On Demand (Internet Explorer)
4837	Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates
4838	Close unused folders in History and Favorites (requires restart)
4839	Always send URLs as UTF-8 (requires restart)
4840	Show Go button in Address bar
4841	Use inline AutoComplete for Web addresses
4842	Use inline AutoComplete in Windows Explorer
4843	Show image download placeholders
4844	When searching
4845	Display results, and go to the most likely site
4846	Just go to the most likely site
4847	Just display the results in the main window
4848	Do not search from the Address bar
4851	Menus and dialog boxes are currently displayed in %s.
4852	Use inline AutoComplete
4853	Userdata persistence
4854	Allow paste operations via script
4855	Navigate sub-frames across different domains
4856	Enable Personalized Favorites Menu
4857	Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files.\nDo you want to continue?\n(All other changes have been saved.)
4858	Log Off
4861	Reuse windows for launching shortcuts
4862	Don't prompt for client certificate selection when no certificates or only one certificate exists
4863	Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart)
4865	Enable Image Toolbar (requires restart)
4866	Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server (requires restart)
4871	Enable Automatic Image Resizing
4872	Display mixed content
4873	Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in web pages
4874	Enable third-party browser extensions (requires restart)
4875	Enable Install On Demand (Other)
4876	Don't display online media content in the media bar
5000	AaBbYyZz
5003	Latin
5004	Latin
5005	µ»»·½¹º¬
5006	8@8;8F0
5007	@aue€ev
5008	âÑèÙê
5009	'D91(J)
5010	&	G	5	(	>		0	@	
5011	¬	¾	¢	²	¾	
5012	*


5013	—

5014	\?
5015	¤®¿´Í
5016	$F2AA
5017	•¨Í¨¡
5018	.

5019	D"
5020	¥²§
5021	AaBbYyZz
5022	åÐà×ãÚØ
5023	\Õ®
5024	åe,gžŠ
5025	A~Ôš-N‡e
5026	€{SO-N‡e
5027	AaBbYyZz
5028	ăNPf
5029	AaBbYyZz
5030	AaBbYyZz
5031	 ((((
5032	AaBbYyZz
5033	AaBbYyZz
5034	AaBbYyZz
5035	AaBbYyZz
5036	AaBbYyZz
5037	AaBbYyZz
5038	AaBbYyZz
5039	AaBbYyZz
5040	AaBbYyZz
5304	Block All Cookies
5305	High
5306	Medium High
5307	Medium
5308	Low
5309	Accept All Cookies
5310	Custom
5311	- Cookies from all Web sites will be blocked\n
- Existing cookies on your computer cannot be read by Web sites
5312	- Blocks cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
\n- Blocks cookies that use personally identifiable information without your explicit consent
5313	- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
\n- Blocks third-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without your explicit consent\n
- Blocks first-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without implicit consent
5314	- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
\n- Blocks third-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without your implicit consent\n
- Restricts first-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without implicit consent
5315	- Restricts third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
\n- Restricts third-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without your implicit consent
5316	- All cookies will be saved on this computer\n
- Existing cookies on this computer can be read by the Web sites that created them
5317	- Advanced or imported settings
5351	Privacy Import
5352	Your privacy settings file was successfully imported.
5355	Your privacy settings file could not be imported.  It may not be a valid privacy settings file.
5356	Internet Explorer Privacy Preferences*.xmlAll Files*.*
5360	Move the slider to select a privacy setting for the Internet zone.
5361	To use the slider to set privacy level instead of using custom settings, click the Default button.
5380	Invalid Domain
5381	You have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be\nin the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.\n\nExamples of valid domains:\n\n    - www.treyresearch.com\n    - http://treyresearch.com\n    - fineartschool.net
5386	Domain
5387	Setting
5388	Always Allow
5389	Always Block
20201	To display this page correctly, you need to download and install the following components:
20202	An error has occured.
20203	Java virtual machine
20204	Windows Media Player
20301	There has been a mismatched binary error in Internet Explorer.
20302	Please reinstall, or install an updated version of Internet Explorer by choosing 'Windows Update' under the Internet Explorer 'Tools' menu.
20303	Install on Demand has detected an error.
20304	You cannot load this page manually. It must be invoked by Internet Explorer directly.
20305	You would interrupt component installation.
20306	To perform this action with Internet Explorer, you need to download and install the following components:
20307	To display language characters correctly you need to download and install the following components:
20308	The component cannot be downloaded at this time.
20309	Installation of the component failed.
20310	Install on Demand could not connect to the required network or Internet Server to download components.
20311	An unknown error has occurred.
20312	Please try again later or choose 'Windows Update' under the Internet Explorer 'Tools' menu to install this component.
20313	Please verify that you are still connected to your network or the Internet.
20314	The file being downloaded is not signed, or you did not accept the Authenticode certificate.
20315	The Internet may be busy.
20316	The security setting for your current zone may be set to HIGH.
20317	This setting does not allow ActiveX controls to function properly.
20318	To restart Install on Demand, change the security for your zone to MEDIUM by selecting the Security tab in 'Internet Options' under the IE 'Tools' menu.
20319	Then close the Internet Explorer Properties dialog and press the browser 'Refresh' button.
20320	Install on Demand will not work properly when you are working offline.
20321	Please uncheck 'Work Offline' under the Internet Explorer 'File' menu and restore your Internet connection before continuing with installation.
20322	You must be logged-on as an Administrator to complete this procedure.
20323	The required component is not available for this version of Windows.
20324	An internal error has occured.
20325	A setup error has occured.
20326	A setup error has occured.
20327	 KB
20328	 MB
20329	 min
20330	< 1 min
20331	1 hr
20332	 hrs
20333	Download Size: 
20334	Download Time: 
20335	Downloading %s...
20336	Installing %s...
20337	Verifying trust for %s...
20338	Install On Demand Error