A waterfall is always a favorite destination for hikers, and one that is scaled down to kid-size is more appealing to families than a formidable one with limited access and dangerous drop-offs. An easy 1-mile walk along the entertaining West Kill (Brook) leads to Diamond Notch Falls, where kids can wade, splash, or just sit (do kids ever do that?) on the moss-covered slopes.
If you've been contemplating a family camp-out, consider hiking another 0.5 mile to the spacious Diamond Notch Lean-to. (An added bonus if you spend the night: you can visit the falls again in the morning!)
From New York City, take the Thruway (I-87) north to Exit 19 in Kingston. Follow NY-28 west for approximately 35 miles to Shandaken and turn right (north) onto NY-42. In 12 miles, turn right onto Greene County 6 in Lexington, following signs to Spruceton. Greene County 6 turns to gravel in 6 miles and crosses a 4-ton-rated bridge in another 0.3 mile. Turn left into a large parking area at a sign for "forest preserve access," 6.5 miles from NY-42.
Return to the gravel road and turn left (southeast), passing a trail sign that
gives the distance to Diamond Notch Falls, 1 mile, and to the Diamond Notch
Lean-to, 1.46 miles. Following the blue blazes of the Diamond Notch Trail, hike
along the road for 0.3 mile to another parking area with, strangely, a "no parking"
sign. Sidestep a metal gate and continue southeastward on an unmaintained section
of the road.
Ducking into the woods, the trail meets the West Kill (Brook) and climbs easily along the left bank. As you wind along the creek toward the falls, the kids can race stick and leaf boats. One-half mile from the start, the brook cascades into cool pools. Conduct a few water experiments. Will an acorn float? How about a pine cone?
Ask your kids to consider this question as they hike along the riverbank: do brooks have a beginning? When they turn to you for an answer, tell them that rivers and brooks begin as rainwater falling on the mountains and trickling downhill, seeking the easiest route. As a number of these tiny streams choose the same path, they join, forming a brook. All this is the beginning of a watershed.
At 1 mile, you reach Diamond Notch Falls. Relax, parents: no sheer cliffs rim this waterfall. The West Kill Brook slides down a granite slab to dive 10 feet into a rocky pool. The shaded ravine is carpeted with multicolored mosses. Cross the footbridge over the falls or step down the footpath that splits right before the bridge, which leads to the base of the falls. Take off your boots to wade in the (BRRRR!) water, or toss stones in and listen to the differently pitched kerplunks.
At the falls, the Diamond Notch Trail meets the red-blazed Devil's Path Trail. (The left branch of the Devil's Path Trail leads to the summit of Hunter Mountain; across the footbridge, the right branch leads to West Kill Mountain.) If you intend to spend the night or if you want to extend the hike, cross the footbridge and continue to follow the blue markings of the Diamond Notch Trail, bearing left (south) toward the Diamond Notch Lean-to.
Climb moderately on the rugged trail, hopping over frequent rocks placed to divert spring runoff. If the steady uphill march threatens to turn little hikers into big whiners, play a memory game. Try to name the Ten Essentials (from our introduction), the Seven Dwarfs, the Ninja Turtles characters, or the residents of Sesame Street.
Just under 0.5 mile from the falls, you'll see the eight-person shelter to the left of the path, resting on a knoll. (There is an outhouse below the lean-to.) Beyond the shelter, a path leads to a 25-foot-deep ravine lined with hemlocks. Little people can explore this shady canyon while the big people set up camp.
In the morning, return to your car the way you came—passing the pretty falls once more.
Best Hikes with Children in The Catskills & Hudson River Valley, Copyright � 2002 by Cynthia Copeland and Thomas J. Lewis, published by The Mountaineers Books Seattle. Maps by Jerry Painter.