Controls: ESC - About Box. This will bring up information and credits for the game. press any key to step through it. Q - Quit. Anytime your ship isn't exploding, you can quit the game by hitting the Q key. Left ALT - Fire. You can shoot up to 6 shots. As each shot disappears, you can shoot again. Left CTRL - Thrust. Thust is additive - each time you hit the thrust key, you accellerate in the direction you're facing. To slow down you need to turn around and thrust in the opposite direction. Left Shift - Slow down. Holding this key will slow your ship to a stop. Right ALT,CRTL - Turn. ALT turns left, Ctrl turns right. You can fly in any of 12 directions. REVERSE ROTATION KEYS - F will flip the right alt\ctrl keys for those with non-standard keyboards. ARCADE CONTROLS - A will switch the keyboard layout to closer match the Asteroids Arcade controls, Left Ctrl, ALT rotate, Right Alt thrusts Right Ctrl fires. - Hyperspace. You can warp to another location when it starts to get crowded where you are. You can warp right into an asteroid too. D - Switch all oids on screen to mines for a real challenge! S - Turn off sound blaster SFX go to pcspeaker mode