....................................... AMAZEING --- REGISTRATION INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amazeing is copyright 1993-1996, by Stuart Swain. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________________ Amazeing is SHAREWARE. This means that you've got a partial version of it, and have to pay for the full version. In case you're not terribly familiar with the shareware concept, it's just a "try before you buy" scheme. With Amazeing, you are free to play the demo version to your heart's content, BUT you'd really be missing out. Check out what you'll get when you register: * Extra Levels. Be able to battle your way through the awesome 50x50 and 25x25x25 mazes! * Hint Feature. A little lost? Why deprive yourself of directions? You get a "Hint" choice in the "Solve" menu which will set you back on the right track. * Colour Schemes and Colour Cycling Get 5 more great colour schemes, plus the WILD colour cycling feature!! * Better Mucus Test yourself with the smarter mucus, or check out the radar screen to evade it. * General Be able to save your settings. Extended transportation factor. Please remember that a hell of a lot of work has gone into Amazeing, right from version 1.01 back in 1993. Version 5 alone was the product of about 12 months work. Please register to compensate me for my work! (I cannot keep providing high quality software without an income from it.) TO REGISTER AMAZEING VIA THE INTERNET, SIMPLY DO THE FOLLOWING: 1) Fire up your web browser and point it at http://www.alberts.com/ 2) Do a search on Amazeing 3) Select "Buy it!" Alberts Ambry (http://www.alberts.com/) accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Optima. Also, for cheats, hints, patches, and add-on packs on the World Wide Web, go to the Amazeing page at: http://www.ecel.uwa.edu.au/~sswain/amazeing