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Re: Szuflada raz jeszcze, czyli w poszukiwaniu siebie


szperajac po sieci znalazlam troche info na temat przez Ciebie poruszony. w 
tej chwili nie pamietam strony gdzie to bylo, na pewno jest to cos z US. ale 
tyle zachowalam. Sorry ze po angielsku, jakby ktos chcial to na poniedzialek 

Categories two, three and four are the biggest test of "true Gothness."

   1.Frequenting where Goths are -- Regularly visiting places where Gothics 
are is the easiest and most superficial way to become accepted. This 
includes gothic clubs, coffee shops, cool thrift stores, fetish stores, 
independent music stores, etc. If there are no specific gothic music nights 
at a club, someone may visit fetish or industrial theme nights. These go 
hand in hand with Goth. However, frequenting places Goths are may give 
someone exposure to the culture, but not acceptance.

   2.Dressing a certain way -- In order to identify him or herself as Gothic 
to other Gothics, a person would do this through dress. See common culture 
under fashion. At first, one's appearance is an identifying factor. It 
initiates the belief within the group that this person should be considered 
one of them. However, it often takes further investigation to decide whether 
or not this person should actually be considered gothic. The way a person 
dresses alone does not
automatically make a Gothic. For some people, the image of being Gothic is 
shed as easily as taking off those gothic clothes.

   3.Having the "gothic mentality" -- This category indicates what a person 
is like inside. Several of the following questions will help to get an 
indication of whether someone is "Goth on the inside." These are questions 
that come to mind, whether consciously realized or not, when evaluating if 
someone is gothic: Is this something you are doing in order to look cool or 
to gain acceptance, or is it who you are? Are you willing to stand up for 
yourself in the face of normal society, daring to be different despite 
ridicule, harassment and prejudice? Are you getting into Goth because you're 
following a trend? What is your depth of knowledge of gothic music and 
culture? What are your similar values or traits that you should be accepted 
for -- i.e. are you pensive, artistic, gloomy, moody, or dreary? Are you 
fascinated with the mysterious, the supernatural, and the beautiful?

   4.Listening to certain music -- This includes such things as: the amount 
of time someone has liked a band, how underground the band is and that 
person's passion for it -- how much he/she knows about the band, how many 
CD's he/she has. It also relates to what a person wears (band T-shirts or 
stickers). The music plays different roles to different people. Some people 
enjoy Gothic only for its social or aesthetic aspects and never seek to 
listen to more than the most popular and well-known of Goth bands. True 
dedication to gothic culture is often displayed in one's span of music 
knowledge. A related phenomenon occurs to display that dedication: mouthing 
the lyrics to songs at a club. The occurrence of lip synching or singing 
along will
vary in different cities with different scenes. It is often used to show 
others that a person knows the song and is more into that band than those 
who don't appear to know the lyrics. This category also includes familiarity 
with other media, such as movies and books, etc. However, these count to a 
lesser extent and do not qualify alone.

   5.Knowing certain people -- Unfortunately, this often seems to be the 
biggest factor in whether or not someone is considered gothic by the social 
scene. If a person is accepted by the most infamous members of the social 
group, that is often automatic grounds for being considered Goth no matter 
the length of time in the scene, how extreme that person looks, or musical 
preference. Perhaps the assumption is that their standards for someone being 
Goth are fairly strict
because they have suffered the most persecution, prejudice and ridicule to 
be a part of it. These standards in no way mean that infamous Goths will not 
accept another as a friend if they are not gothic. The standards only apply 
to accepting someone as a Gothic. People who have been around the longest in 
the scene tend to be the most infamous and/or most respected. It is because 
they have proven consistently over time that it is not a phase, but part of 
who they are.

NIe wiem czy to pomoze, ale dobrze wiedziec, ze inni tez maja zagadke. W 
sumie jezeli do tej pory sa rozne wersje kto jest odpowiedzialny za 
stworzenie szufladki 'goth', to czemu sie dziwic???



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