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Odp: Szuflada raz jeszcze, czyli w poszukiwaniu siebie
-----Wiadomość oryginalna-----
Od: Angel Hardcastle <black_angel7@hotmail.com>
Do: gotyk@goth.art.pl <gotyk@goth.art.pl>
Data: 21 stycznia 2000 12:21
Temat: Re: Szuflada raz jeszcze, czyli w poszukiwaniu siebie
>szperajac po sieci znalazlam troche info na temat przez Ciebie poruszony. w
>tej chwili nie pamietam strony gdzie to bylo, na pewno jest to cos z US.
>tyle zachowalam. Sorry ze po angielsku, jakby ktos chcial to na
>Categories two, three and four are the biggest test of "true Gothness."
> 1.Frequenting where Goths are -- Regularly visiting places where Gothics
>are is the easiest and most superficial way to become accepted. This
>includes gothic clubs, coffee shops, cool thrift stores, fetish stores,
>independent music stores, etc. If there are no specific gothic music nights
>at a club, someone may visit fetish or industrial theme nights. These go
>hand in hand with Goth. However, frequenting places Goths are may give
>someone exposure to the culture, but not acceptance.
> 2.Dressing a certain way -- In order to identify him or herself as
>to other Gothics, a person would do this through dress. See common culture
>under fashion. At first, one's appearance is an identifying factor. It
>initiates the belief within the group that this person should be considered
>one of them. However, it often takes further investigation to decide
>or not this person should actually be considered gothic. The way a person
>dresses alone does not
>automatically make a Gothic. For some people, the image of being Gothic is
>shed as easily as taking off those gothic clothes.
> 3.Having the "gothic mentality" -- This category indicates what a person
>is like inside. Several of the following questions will help to get an
>indication of whether someone is "Goth on the inside." These are questions
>that come to mind, whether consciously realized or not, when evaluating if
>someone is gothic: Is this something you are doing in order to look cool or
>to gain acceptance, or is it who you are? Are you willing to stand up for
>yourself in the face of normal society, daring to be different despite
>ridicule, harassment and prejudice? Are you getting into Goth because
>following a trend? What is your depth of knowledge of gothic music and
>culture? What are your similar values or traits that you should be accepted
>for -- i.e. are you pensive, artistic, gloomy, moody, or dreary? Are you
>fascinated with the mysterious, the supernatural, and the beautiful?
> 4.Listening to certain music -- This includes such things as: the amount
>of time someone has liked a band, how underground the band is and that
>person's passion for it -- how much he/she knows about the band, how many
>CD's he/she has. It also relates to what a person wears (band T-shirts or
>stickers). The music plays different roles to different people. Some people
>enjoy Gothic only for its social or aesthetic aspects and never seek to
>listen to more than the most popular and well-known of Goth bands. True
>dedication to gothic culture is often displayed in one's span of music
>knowledge. A related phenomenon occurs to display that dedication: mouthing
>the lyrics to songs at a club. The occurrence of lip synching or singing
>along will
>vary in different cities with different scenes. It is often used to show
>others that a person knows the song and is more into that band than those
>who don't appear to know the lyrics. This category also includes
>with other media, such as movies and books, etc. However, these count to a
>lesser extent and do not qualify alone.
> 5.Knowing certain people -- Unfortunately, this often seems to be the
>biggest factor in whether or not someone is considered gothic by the social
>scene. If a person is accepted by the most infamous members of the social
>group, that is often automatic grounds for being considered Goth no matter
>the length of time in the scene, how extreme that person looks, or musical
>preference. Perhaps the assumption is that their standards for someone
>Goth are fairly strict
>because they have suffered the most persecution, prejudice and ridicule to
>be a part of it. These standards in no way mean that infamous Goths will
>accept another as a friend if they are not gothic. The standards only apply
>to accepting someone as a Gothic. People who have been around the longest
>the scene tend to be the most infamous and/or most respected. It is because
>they have proven consistently over time that it is not a phase, but part of
>who they are.
>NIe wiem czy to pomoze, ale dobrze wiedziec, ze inni tez maja zagadke. W
>sumie jezeli do tej pory sa rozne wersje kto jest odpowiedzialny za
>stworzenie szufladki 'goth', to czemu sie dziwic???
>>Nie trzeba tlumaczyć, dzieki.
A Ty jestes z Gdanska? A na Temple Of Goths w Burdlu pewnie bywalas? A do
Krakowa sie wybierasz?
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