Digitalne komunikacije - Digital Communications

Predsedavajuci - Chairmen:

Ilija Stojanovic, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

Zoran Petrovic, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

Utorak, 10. oktobar 1995. - Tuesday, October 10th, 1995.

Sala C - Room C

        Uvodni rad po pozivu:
        Invited Keynote Paper:
DC-1   European ISDN Realized the Data Highway Already Since 1979
        W. Weber, Ruhr - Universitat, Bochum, Germany

        Uvodni rad po pozivu:
        Invited Keynote Paper:
DC-2   Narrowband PCS Network Design Issues 
        R. Petrovic, University of Mississippi, U.S.A.

DC-3   HDSL and ADSL Technology - High Speed Subscriber Access
        to Broadband Network 
        A. Kozarev, JP PTT, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

DC-4   Proracun interferencije u slucaju potrebe za koordinacijom
        NGSO-MSS i fiksnih sistema
       Inferation Calculation in case of Neccesserity
        the Coordination NGSO-MSS and Fixed Systems
        Z. Petrovic, V. Skulic, Z. Milisavljevic, S. Rasajski*,
        Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd, Jugoslavija,
        *Savezna uprava za radio veze, Beograd, Jugoslavija

DC-5   The Quantization Noise Given by The Phase Correctors
        in Digital Receivers 
        O. Fratu, S. Halunga,
        Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
DC-6   Projektovanje MF filtra prijemnika sa niskom medjufrekvencijom
       IF Filter Design for Receiver with Low Intermediate Frequency 
        D. Krstic, G. Jovanovic, A. Vidovic,
        Elektronski fakultet, Nis, Jugoslavija
DC-7   Novi digitalani FM stereo koder matricnog tipa 
       New Digital FM Matrix Stereo Coder
        D. Krstic, B. Petrovic, G. Jovanovic,
        Elektronski fakultet, Nis, Jugoslavija