Digitalne komunikacije - Digital Communications
Predsedavajuci - Chairmen:
Ilija Stojanovic, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd
Zoran Petrovic, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd
Utorak, 10. oktobar 1995. - Tuesday, October 10th, 1995.
Sala C - Room C
Uvodni rad po pozivu:
Invited Keynote Paper:
European ISDN Realized the Data Highway Already Since 1979
W. Weber, Ruhr - Universitat, Bochum, Germany
Uvodni rad po pozivu:
Invited Keynote Paper:
Narrowband PCS Network Design Issues
R. Petrovic, University of Mississippi, U.S.A.
HDSL and ADSL Technology - High Speed Subscriber Access
to Broadband Network
A. Kozarev, JP PTT, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Proracun interferencije u slucaju potrebe za koordinacijom
NGSO-MSS i fiksnih sistema
Inferation Calculation in case of Neccesserity
the Coordination NGSO-MSS and Fixed Systems
Z. Petrovic, V. Skulic, Z. Milisavljevic, S. Rasajski*,
Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd, Jugoslavija,
*Savezna uprava za radio veze, Beograd, Jugoslavija
The Quantization Noise Given by The Phase Correctors
in Digital Receivers
O. Fratu, S. Halunga,
Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
Projektovanje MF filtra prijemnika sa niskom medjufrekvencijom
IF Filter Design for Receiver with Low Intermediate Frequency
D. Krstic, G. Jovanovic, A. Vidovic,
Elektronski fakultet, Nis, Jugoslavija
Novi digitalani FM stereo koder matricnog tipa
New Digital FM Matrix Stereo Coder
D. Krstic, B. Petrovic, G. Jovanovic,
Elektronski fakultet, Nis, Jugoslavija