About Lynx

Lynx grew out of efforts to build a campus-wide information system (CWIS) at The University of Kansas. Lynx clients provide a user-friendly hypertext interface for users on UNIX and VMS platforms, and allow information providers to publish information located on any platform that can run a Gopher, HTTP, WAIS, FTP, or NNTP (USENET NEWS) server. Providers retain complete control over their information, but may receive comments and suggestions from users running Lynx on client systems.

Lynx clients understand their own hypertext format and also the WWW hypertext format HTML.

For information on how to use lynx see the Lynx help files

Credits and Copyright

Lynx is a product of the distributed computing group of the The University of Kansas.

Lynx is copyrighted but free for academic and research use. Those interested in using Lynx for major commercial uses should contact us.

The Lynx developers are Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe, and Charles Rezac.

Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee and the other CERN World Wide Web wizards for the WWW client library code and all of their other work on the WWW project, NCSA and the Mosaic developers, and to everyone out in netland who has contributed to Lynx's development either directly (through comments or bug reports) or indirectly (through inspiration and development of other systems). Also a special thanks to Foteos Macrides who ported much of Lynx to VMS.


Lynx can currently be obtained by anonymous ftp from: ftp2.cc.ukans.edu in the pub/lynx directory.

A listserv list has been created for information about Lynx and for notification of updates. The listserv is called lynx-dev@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu. You may sign-up by sending a "subscribe lynx-dev <your-name>" request to listserv@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu. DO NOT send subscribe requests to the lynx-dev list itself.
