Jugoslovenski odbor za me|unarodnu

razmenu studenata za stru~nu praksu

The International Association for the Exchange

of Students for Technical Experience - IAESTE


In the aftermath of World War II a new spirit pervaded the world: a desire for international understanding and cooperation. It was this spirit which brought forth both the United Nations and IAESTE, organisations dedicated to promating these objectives.

IAESTE, founded in 1948 at the Emperial College in London, is a non-political, independent, non-governmental association maintaining a consultative relationship with several agencies of the UN.

IAESTE Yugoslavia has been a full member since 1952.


  • To provide students at institutions of high learning with technical experience abroad relative to their studies in the broadest sense;
  • To promote international understanding and goodwill amongst students of all nations.

These objectives are fulfilled through a reciprocal exchange of students for paid on-the-job training in foreign entreprises and organizations during their long vacations (usually 6-12 weeks), with special arrangements possible for 3-18 months.

Participating Institutions in Yugoslavia

Yugoslav IAESTE Committee

Karnegijeva 4/I

11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia

Tel./Fax No. +381 11 3229077

Fax No.: +381 11 3220847 or 32248681 (Att. IAESTE)


Director: Dragan Vuki}evi}

National Secretary: Goran Radnovi}