Hejsan! Detta „r vilka tangenter som anv„nds i Whacker Tracker! Ctrl+A Mute p† current channel Ctrl+Q Unmute all channels Ctrl+Shift+A Solo current channel F1 Low octave F2 High octave Shift+F5 Cut current track to buffer Shift+F6 Copy current track to buffer Shift+F7 Paste from buffer to current track Alt+F5 Cut current pattern to buffer Alt+F6 Copy current pattern to buffer Alt+F7 Paste buffer to current pattern Ctrl+F5 Cut commands in current track to buffer Ctrl+F6 Copy commands in current track to buffer Ctrl+F7 Paste commandbuffer in current track F8-F12 Patternrow 0-16-32-48-63 Enter Ner Backspace Upp Shift+Enter Insert in current track Shift+Backspace Delete above in current track Alt+Enter Insert in all tracks Alt+Backspace Delete above in all tracks Ctrl+Enter Push commands in current track down one row Ctrl+Backspace Drag commands in current track up one row Ctrl+0-9 Step after a note is played (in edit-mode) Left Cursor Left (Not the numeric keyboard) Right Cursor Right Alt+Left Pattern Down Alt+Right Pattern Up Shift+Left Position Down Shift+Right Position Up Ctrl+Left Sample# Down Ctrl+Right Sample# Up Space Stop Music - Edit mode on/off < Kill sound (Space does this too) Right Alt Play song Delete Kill the note and command in the current track and pull up Alt+Delete As above but for all 4 tracks Ctrl+Delete Clear note (not cmd) Shift+Delete Clear cmd (not note) Ctrl+Shift+Del Clear note+cmd Tab Next track Shift+Tab Previous track Alt+Q Quit Whacker Tracker . (Del) Kill current Sample (the numeric keyboard) Alt+F1-F4 Mute channel 1-4 Up Up one row (not the numeric keyboard) Down Down one row Scroll Lock Help Num Lock Turn bars on/off Ctrl+K Kill to end of track Alt+K As above but for all 4 tracks Ctrl+U Undo current pattern Ctrl+Shift+K Kill to start of track Alt+Shift+K As above but for all 4 tracks Alt+\ Copy the command above Alt+' Copy the above command and add 1 to the value Alt+^ Copy the above command and sub 1 from the value Ctrl+B Begin block Ctrl+C Copy block to buffer Ctrl+D Copy block to buffer and delete Ctrl+P Paste block over pattern Right Shift Record Right Ctrl Play current pattern