
First, a big thank you to each of you for making this one of the most
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to you.

The site was created for your benefit, as a meeting place for people from
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Just as important to the site are the advertisers who fund it. They're
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appraisal of your situation. Please can you answer at least the first 10

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If you don't want to fill it in at all then we're very sorry for the
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Questions from our advertisers:
Your profile - we won't ask your name or email address so please try to
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Which country are you in?
Are you intending to go to France?
Do you think the prices of tickets are:
If you have bought a ticket, how much did you have to pay for your: (please state currency)
match ticket
match ticket and accommodation
travel, match ticket and accommadation
other package
Would you like us to provide information on:
Hotels / accommodation
Car hire
What France has to offer a tourist
What news do you think we should offer after the World Cup?
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Message board
Team pages
Who's going to win the World Cup?
Thankyou very much for your time!


©1996/7 ATL Strategic Communications Ltd.
Anthony Appleby, Alex Hooper, Brian Johnson.
Editorial:   +44 (0) 181 871 5182
Advertising: +44 (0) 181 871 5193
Problems and comments to: webmaster