


The Sonique Navigation Console Playlist Editor
 playlist.jpg (23096 bytes) INDEX:
In Brief
1 :: The Playlist Editor Screen
2 :: The Playlist Control Functions
3 :: Scroll Buttons

In Brief:

The Playlist Editor allows you to create, edit, load and save playlist files.

1 : : The Playlist Editor Screen

Playlists can be loaded just like standard music files and so may be loaded in any mode, however it is only in the Playlist Editor that you can organize and save them. Most of the Playlist Editor Screen is taken up by the file list. Navigating through the list is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Clicking on a song title will select it, once selected, you can either click on it again to play it, or use the Scroll buttons to move the song within the playlist. Holding down the Ctrl or Shift key will allow you to select multiple files, and you can move them using the same process. You can scroll through the list using either the Scroll buttons or by using a mousewheel while the cursor is positioned over the Playlist Editor Screen.

2 : : The Playlist Control Fuctions

There are seven Playlist Control Functions, they are:

sort This will sort the list alphabetically, if it is already sorted, it will reverse the sort.
shuffle This will shuffle the playlist.
reverse This reverses the playlist
clear This clears the playlist
add This is basically the same as the open file button, except that regardless of what settings you have saved, it will always add the song to the playlist without playing it.
remove This deletes the current selected song from the playlist.
save This saves the playlist to a file, you are prompted for a location and a name. Click "Save" to save the playlist.

3 : : Scroll Buttons

The Scroll Buttons are very important in the Playlist editor.  They can be used to navigate lengthy playlists and to rearrange the order of selected items. 


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