


In Brief
1) About Sonique Quickstart
2) Close Sonique Quickstart
3) Online Update
4) Online Radio
5) Online News
6) Recent Music
7) Play Control
8) Open Sonique

In Brief:

Sonique Quickstart is a fast and easy way to control Sonique from the Windows system tray. It will start up whenever you run Sonique. From the right click context menu you will have access to powerful new features such as online update, radio, and news. Also included in the Quickstart menu are time saving features such as recent music, play, and stop. Use the Setup Options to disable Sonique Quickstart.

1 : : About Sonique Quickstart

This is a simple display that displays information about Sonique Quickstart. Your registration name and the Sonique License Serial Number are displayed here along with the Sonique License information.

2 : : Close Sonique Quickstart

This option closes and removes Sonique Quickstart from the system tray. Sonique will remain open if it is open.

3 : : Online Update

Online Update is one of the most powerful new features of Sonique Quickstart. Clicking on Online Update will bring up the Sonique Online Updates dialog window. This window contains a list of all of the items that your version of Sonique doesn't have installed. Click on one or more of the items and click "Upgrade" to download and install the new items. Sonique will close and restart after all of the installations have completed.

4 : : Online Radio

The Online Radio menu is a list of Online Radio Stations (streaming MP3 audio) that are collected here for your convenience. This list is updated periodically as you are online and more stations are available.

5 : : Online News

The Online News menu is a list of Online Music News webpages that are collected here for your convenience. This list is updated periodically as you are online with notifications of new information delivered directly to Sonique Quickstart.

6 : : Recent Music

The Recent Music menu is a list of the last ten files that you have played with Sonique. This includes online streams as well.

7 : : Play Control

This menu item gives you easy access to commonly used play controls within Sonique. These controls include play (which changes to "stop" when a file playing), next song, and previous song.

8 : : Open Sonique

If you close the Sonique player while Sonique Quickstart is open, Quickstart will remain open. If you double click on the Sonique Quickstart icon or choose the Open Sonique menu item Sonique will be opened up.


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Help System Version .92