Usage ----- Synopsis: WWarp filename[.wwp] [command] [tracks] [args] [options...] commands: SOME COMMANDS ARE CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMETED OR INCOMPLETE, Sorry! C - create wwarp file (default) this will read the disk in the floppy drive and create a image from, if [tracks] has been specified only these tracks will be read D - dump tracks displays info about the specified track and displays the mfm-data (or decoded data if type is not 'raw'), if there is a sync set in the wwarp file the mfm-data will be displayed shifted to the first sync args = [sync[&mask]][,[syncno][,[len][,off]]] sync[&mask] - the track will be shiftet to that sync and then displayed syncno - if multiple syncs are found, the number of the sync to use for display (first sync is 1) len - amount of bytes to display off - offset to start display, can be negative e.g. to view bytes before the sync leadings args can be ommited, e.g. use ,,16 to see first the 16 bytes F - try to decode the specified [tracks] as standard format (much less restrictive than the routine used in command C) I - print informations about wwarp file and tracks contained L - set track length sets the data length which should be written back to disk. this length is stored in the wwarp file and will be used on command 'W' (see below), this operation does not modify the stored track data in the wwarp file, this command doesn't work with tracks which are not of type 'raw' of course M - merge two wwarp files together P - pack wwarp file this removes all unneccessary data from the wwarp file, all tracks of type 'raw' and a valid 'Length' and 'Sync' will be stored starting with 'Sync' and the length 'Length', removed data is lost forever, so be careful R - remove tracks from wwarp file deletes the specified [tracks] from the wwarp file, the tracks are lost forever, so be careful S - save tracks W - write wwarp file to disk Y - set sync sets the syncronization word to write the track with wordsync back to a floppy disk, the sync consists of 16 byte data and 16 byte mask. both, data and mask must be given as hexadecimal in the form "data&mask", mask can be omitted and will then be calculated from the data value tracks: will be used to specify which tracks should be affected by the command 1-5 tracks 1,2,3,4,5 2,90 tracks 2 and 90 2*2 tracks 2,4,...,156,158 10-20*5 tracks 10,15,20 1-5,7,99-104*2 tracks 1,2,3,4,5,7,99,101,103 * all tracks options: BPT=BytesPerTrack/K - amount of bytes to rawread and write to the wwarp file if nothing will be detected, default $6c00 Unit/N/K - trackdisk.device unit number, 1 for DF1: etc. NoStd/S - dont try to detect any known formats RetryCnt/N/K - number of read retries before a track is stored as 'nonsingle' 'raw' Tips & Tricks ------------- * to check if right sync has been set use: wwarp abc.wwp d 2-159 ,,32 which will display the first 32 mfm bytes of the selected tracks MORE QUESTIONS? so check the source ;-)