At least 3 MB of memory as an absolute minimum. 4 MB or more is highly recommended.
Either AmiTCP/IP, I-Net225 or AS-225 to access the World Wide Web, or
a TCP stack that is compatible with one of these. Examples of compatible products
are Miami and TermiteTCP.
Appropriate datatypes to view inlined images. At least a GIF and a
JPEG datatype are needed to view most of the images on the World Wide Web.
Instead of datatypes, you can use the plugins for GIF, JPEG and PNG images
available from the AWeb home page.
To hear background sounds on pages, a WAV and an AU datatype are recommended.
Instead of sound datatypes, you may want to use an external player like Play16.
For MIDI background sounds, a MIDI player (like GMPlay) is
If you don't use OS 3.5 or better:
The ClassAct gadget kit
(not included in this demo distribution).
The latest ClassAct archive is always available from:
Under Amiga OS 3.5 or better the Reaction GUI set is used.