ARexx (10/41)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:6 Aug 2000 at 15:34:41
Subject:Re: reliable filetype recognition needed

Hello Alfonso

On 06-Aug-00 Alfonso Ranieri wrote:

AR> subset of types and on your needs. I can't even see the need for such
AR> program.

You mean, a general Converter tool ?
It has a major advantage:

One frontend for all.
Versatile usage. (CLI, WB, Dopus, "after download"-auto-action)

AR> So, just define your purpose and choose the best solution for you.

I don't find the solution so easy, since I want an easy to use frontend.
Even me (the author) will have problems to remeber the IDs of some filetypes
as are described in the catalog of i.e. fileID.library and having no fun in
entering strings like

IFF Animation/Pinsel-Anim,
Ami-Pack Archiv,

Even worse with the numbers. Whatis.library is too weak. This is why I asked
for ideas, in hope, I would get pointed to some functionality, I am not
aware of.

Good Bye, Andreas
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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