ARexx (13/41)

From:Alfonso Ranieri
Date:6 Aug 2000 at 17:25:21
Subject:Re: reliable filetype recognition needed

> I don't find the solution so easy, since I want an easy to use
> Even me (the author) will have problems to remeber the IDs of some
I just ment that a general library/program/or-what-else that
understands the type of ANY file is impossible. You should put you
attemption on a small subset of tyeps, such as picture-formats, and
try to parse them, that' all. It just like for viruses: any anti-virus
program can't be so clever to find new ones, so if it is not update it
is unesefull. A good exmples are browsers: they don't pretend to
understand the type of the data they are receiving, they just know
about a smal subset of types or ask to the user what to do.

Ciao. Alfonso

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