ARexx (25/41)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 13:17:51
Subject:Neither of both Delete() seem to work as needed.


I prefer using functions over addressing external commands whenever

rexxsupport.library and rexxdossupport.library feature both a Delete() (I
prefer the one of rexxdossupport, however) but both need to be named what
shall be deleted.

res = Delete('foo:bar/#?')

is not possible. It is possible to res = Delete('foo:bar'). If bar is a
directory it won't get deleted as long as it has contents.

What I want to do is to delete all files in foo:bar/ but leave bar/ intact.
Do I have to use the c:delete command or is there a solution ?

Good Bye, Andreas
He who dies with the most toys, wins.

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