ARexx (39/41)

From:Rolf Max Rotvel
Date:21 Aug 2000 at 01:35:46
Subject:Re: 42: Unbalanced parentheses (not!)

Hi Andreas Mixich. You wrote:

> decoder = "CALL '"||'rexx:Converter/'||intype||'.decode''' '("'||infile||'","'||tmpdir||'")'
> say decoder
> INTERPRET decoder
> which result in
> Error: 42 Unbalanced parentheses

Interesting problem. I don't know why it doesn't work. I tried like

decoder = 'call "rexx:Converter/'intype'.decode" ("'infile'", "'tmpdir'")'

and got the same error. But then I tried removing the comma - and now
it worked?!?

My suggestion is skipping the braces:

decoder = 'call "rexx:Converter/'intype'.decode" "'infile'" "'tmpdir'"'

and use something like

parse value arg(1) with '"'infile'"' '"'tmpdir'"'

in your .decode scripts.



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