AmigaActive (1088/2059)

From:Neil Williams
Date:13 Aug 2000 at 12:00:02
Subject:Re: Memory expansions

Hi Matthew,
Remember <>?

>On the subject of memory expansions,
>What kind of memory will my Blizzard 030 accelerator take?

72pin SIMMs. Good quality EDO will work, but it can be a bit of a gamble as
some people get SIMMs which won't - make sure you can test the SIMM and get
it exchanged if necessary.

>I have currently got a 72 pin standard SIMM installed, but nowadays its all
>EDO, Parity, Fast Page mode... I'm getting a bit confused here!

"Fast Page" is, IIRC, the normal SIMM type (pre-EDO). All these should work.

Parity is the same but with parity bits. These may work, but on past
experience you may get kit which they won't work with (the A4000 doesn't seem
to like them).

EDO is the fastest (although the B12(3/4/6)0 won't be any faster) and
cheapest, and should work.

Neil Williams, 0,0. ICQ:18223711 fiydoh 2:442/107
Zeus Developments, comms s/w:

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