AmigaActive (126/2059)

From:Adrain Sweeney
Date:2 Aug 2000 at 15:25:06
Subject:Re: Programming encryption (poss OT)

Hi adam I was reading your email about encryption and was wondering if you
ever thought of writting your encryption algorithim as a library so that
other programmers could access your encryption algroithms. So that as your
algorithm improves so does all of the programs that use it. maybe your
algorithm saves out a file in the following format

<version number of algorithm>NULL CHAR<encrypted data>

This way you could throw an error if the file is encrypted with a newer
version of an encryption algorithm that the best algorithm in the library.

ie you update your library and joe encrypts a file with the new algorithm
bill wants to decrypt the file but can't because of the fact that his
library file is old.

Joe can decrypt all of bills files with no problems.

I was talking with other programmers about modules for the new amiga ie I
write a program that can load extra modules into it maybe a better clipboard
module or x or y or what ever module you want ie encryption module would be
a module of the type module-file.

maybe the OS has a file that states what modules are availble to the system
so that my program loads file and sees what libraries to load.

Module.lst file
module-file libs:crypt.library
module-file libs:fileio.library
module-file libs:powerpacker.library
module-gfx libs:DeluxePaint.library

fileio.library would have functions to save/load ordinary ascii text files
along with complecated rtf files, gif,jpg, etc

This way we can write programs that upgrade along with the OS.

also each person would be able to update theier Module.lst file to add or
remove items from it.

in the above example of the module.lst file a texteditor would have no use
for graphic libraries but would be able to pull in the module-file libraries
and display the file type in the save/load dialog boxes.

Adrian Sweeney
CEO Amigaglobe
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* Amiga Companies and organisation only

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