AmigaActive (1415/2059)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:17 Aug 2000 at 21:56:13
Subject:Re: Amiga Piracy

G.A.Griggs said,

> Hello Neil

>>NB Not only Microsoft. But using the ethernet card is a bad idea. They are
>>NB cheaper than most shareware programs and can be changed easily. whereas
>>NB a serial number in the computers ROM stays fore the life of the
>>NB computer.

> Now I find that to be a very surprising statement to be coming from an Amiga
> person of your stature. Hands up all those who have upgraded their ROM's in
> the life time of thier miggy's.

That's because the ROMs contain much of the operating system, making ROM
upgrades inevitable. if the ROM only contained minimal boot code and the
rest was on disk or in flash ROM, you wouldn't need to change ROMs. The
only ime the OS needs to be in ROM is in an embedded system, where it's
probably surface mounted too.

How many more A1200 owners would have bought OS 3.5 if it hadn't
required a ROM change? More importantly, how much more of the OS could
have been upgraded if it hadn't been committed to silicon?


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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