AmigaActive (1556/2059)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 16:18:33
Subject:Re: OT GCSE Results


> Wildlife on one. If the tv remote is broken, couch potatoes will find
> themselves learning about the mating rituals of the lesser spotted East
> African Warthog. I'm sure they would learn something from that ;-)

nah..only that it does it 3 times during the wet season and once during dry
season, only near bamooshal trees and they do it in a backwards style.

> If found at Uni that the best way to get research for projects was not to
> use the Library, but get information from the net instead. The books in
> the library on computing subjects tended to talk about systems from years
> back, which are still valid but don't talk about what is available today.
> The trouble with the net is determining when a piece of information is
> correct or not.

..and thats a BIG problem. information on the net has no editor, no system of
examination. Most of it, like these mailling lists, is higly opinionated
(and often misinformed ;-) )

> Would they keep them from 1989 if they are getting easier? ;-)

my old school used to keep all the old papers...they used the questions from
previous years for the next mid-term's etc... boy! the trading market for
old papers was rife! :-)

> >soaking it all up and so went into more than just glacial u-valleys,
> >meanders, new-towns and long-shore drift ;-)
> Wow! You just brought a flood of geography lesson memories back to me. ;-)


> you are attending the lesson, you must be interested. This is what going
> to Uni is about. Learning about your interest.

..and learning what ISNT interesting ;-)

at least at uni you are treated as a mature person. you get to choose what
courses you take, what options you drop and pickup, what beers you
drink...when and how often etc :-)

> Yes but when was the last time you saw a window cleaner use pythagorams
> (sp?) to work out the length of his ladder. :-)

never...but when did you last see a uni or college graduate become a window
cleaner? ;-)

> Personally I think it is about time that computing exams were done on a
> computer. Exams would be legible and set the machines up right and there
> would definately be no cheating.... No floppy drives and access to only a
> small part of the network for saving. If the exam is open book, material
> is handed in a few days before and is copied to your network area.

...and what if theres a problem with the computer (and with a school PC
running on a windows network, thats very likely ;-) ) - why should the
student suffer?

anyway?? what do you mean do it on a computer? dont you???
at my school, the computer course was 90% coursework and all done on
computers ...ah, the old days...before the WWW existed..when you dialled
into obsure numbers to get an NNTP or SMTP connection. when you had to
design speadsheets, databases and more in basic on a BBC Master
microcomputer 8-)


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