AmigaActive (1604/2059)

From:Gary Peake
Date:23 Aug 2000 at 16:57:49

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:50:25 +0100, Matt Sealey <> wrote:

>Hello Nick
>On 23-Aug-00, you wrote:
>>>> will probably never see the light of day, until it really is too late.
>>> It'll see the light of day alright. Too late? Maybe to be a Classic Amiga,
>>> that's almost a given. To be a decent computer in it's own right? It's
>>> only just beginning. It could well be the first non-Apple PPC board to hit
>>> any kind of mainstream computing market in production numbers..
>> So, i'm just wondering will Anti Gravity and Blittersoft have the muscle to
>> face up to IBM, Compaq, Dell etc.?
>They don't need to, do they?
>> market. Unless AG and Blittersoft get OEMs on board, the Boxer if/when
>> released will only be a small market machine. But that's the way I see it.
>Was it ever going to be anything else? Did you see Mick Tinker's solid-state
>laptop at Amiwest? That's one solid (ha!) bit of kit. The BoXeR could make a
>very good companion for it, on the desktop. A very good way of prototyping
>devices as well, using the FPGA. Just equip it with an ARM processor, stick
>a PCI graphics card on, and run some kind of Unix on it. Not difficult.

Mick works at Arm but I don't know that he alone built the laptop Bill showed off at AmiWest.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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