AmigaActive (1620/2059)

Date:23 Aug 2000 at 22:20:50
Subject:Re: OT GCSE Results

Hello Matt

On 23-Aug-00, you wrote:

>MS Hello G.A.Griggs

>MS No, but that's hardly the point: a driving licence no more qualifies you
>MS to drive than having a degree in fluid dynamics qualifies you to re-plumb
>MS your kitchen. To say that noone who has a license cannot drive is simply
>MS untrue: my father and brother drive very well by virtue of them being
>MS well versed in the use of agricultural vehicles as part of their jobs.
>MS They have no road driving licenses, and are certainly not licensed to
>MS drive anything more than a large tractor. Technically, there's no trick
>MS to driving - it's a very simple thing to do.
>MS The licence is merely something to wave to say that you passed a test on
>MS common sense and proved your skills to a gnarly fat guy with a hitler
>MS moustache.
>MS If you don't get pulled over by the police there is no reason not to be
>MS able to drive a car perfectly well, apart from the hassles of vehicle
>MS registration and road tax :)
>MS On the same note, you are much more likely to be hired for a job on the
>MS basis of 2 years past experience in one field or another, than having
>MS just spent 4 years doing a Masters in the same. The letters don't mean
>MS dick.
>MS Thanks
1 If your going to involve a third party at least give them the decency of
referring to them by their full name or initials,name or initials, after all
I suspect that you would not like to be referred to as just sealey.

2 Driving one type of vehicle does not mean you have the skills, knowlage,
experience or common sense to be able to drive any other vehicle
e.g. Reach truck means you would steer the wrong way
Counterbalance truck would mean you would break safety laws when you
put a car in reverse.
Both of the above do not require MSM.

3 your points are illegal and immoral and I hope the boys in blue call round
your place soon.

4 Name one Doctor who is not qualified.


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-- Thoreau

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