AmigaActive (1688/2059)

From:Gareth Knight
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 18:29:09
Subject:Re: OT GCSE Results

Alan Buxey
> sorry, but kids in britain arent getting cleverer each year.

Since the 1970s there has been a change in the role that education plays in
society. In previous years education was a yardstick to measure
qualification attainment. During the 70's (or late 60's, I forget the exact
year) there was increasing recognition that the education system was failing
many people. Students were assessed according to what they didn't know
rather that what they did. It was decided that the exam system should
produce an average number of passes and fails every year. If the pass rate
was to high for a particular year (e.g. 1999) the marking scheme would
become more stringent during the next (2000). It is impossible to compare
statistics and say more pupils are failing/passing. The criteria for the
grade system is fluid and can change from one year to the next.

>fact is more
> rely now more than ever on extra means to get answers (use of calculators,
> open book exams etc etc)

Open book exams require different skills, such as a greater knowledge of
the text and the factors that contribute to an event. They are considered to
be more difficult than closed book exams.

> students now coming to university to study science subjects are almost
> inadequately taught for certain fields and have to have extra tuition
> or crash courses. Most PhD students find extra money teaching these 1st

Many computing undergraduate and post-graduate degrees involve a 6 month - 1
year industry placement. I think this may be the best method of teaching
students about the industry.

Gareth Knight
Amiga Interactive Guide

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