AmigaActive (1792/2059)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:21 Aug 2000 at 21:45:59
Subject:Re: parnet lan

Hi Richard

On 21-Aug-00, you wrote:

> Alan Buxey wrote:
>> very quickly you learn that the best way to go is either with ethernet,
>> or Envoy
> I thought Envoy ran over ethernet?

Nope - Envoy requires as SANA II compliant networking interface driver.
This means any networking device with a SANA II compliant driver can be used
with Envoy. This means that Ethernet, Arcnet, and Parnet/ProNet etc. with a
suitable SANA-II driver can be used with Envoy.


Nick Lamburn - Dept. Manager of Trogladite Software

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails