AmigaActive (1836/2059)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:28 Aug 2000 at 21:40:33
Subject:Re: onEscapee help required - sorry about the attachment.

Things are getting strange I'm starting to worry, '[amigactive] Re:
onEscapee help required - sorry about the attachment.' could be a case
for Mulder and Kevin Fairhurst ...

> > My sig is only 14 lines long if you count the tagline and the empty ones,
> > otherwise it is only 8.
> Which is still TOO LONG!! Gah!

The longest sig I've ever seen on was over three
hundred lines.

For example, my full newsgroup signature (I don't use it often) goes a
little somethin' like:

Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
ICQ: 39945538 -=- Visit my Website at:

Proud owner of:
1 "My Brain Hurts!" Award
1 CkruseQuiz Award
1 CkruseQuiz Golden Award
1 Silver Pikachu Award
1 Pikamon Point
1 "You're a lamer" Point
1 'I'm A Nosy Person' point
1 "I visited FW's web site" Point
1 'I am the Ultimate Pok�master' Point
2 PropheT Points!!!
2 "Good Netiquette" Points
7 TechTalk Quiz Points
10 Pikachu Points
10 Kangaskhan Points
10 Triforce Quiz Points
10 'This is pok�mon power' Points
20 Triforce Coolness Points
22� PratQuiz Points
25 Vaporeon Points
39 CkruseQuiz Points
86 'LoL!' Points
50 Golden Eevee Points
100 Original Favourite Pok�mon Points
100 "Pointless" Points
100 'Metronome' Points
100 "Happy Birthday" Points
100 'AGP's stat keeper' Points
100 ??? Points
150 "Point-beggar" Points
150 "I posted the entire annoying Pok�rap" Points
250 'No Not AGA Only' Points
500 Laughing Lettuce Points
736 'Translating non-english' Points
1,000 Pokemon Prof Points
1,000 "Hurray JD!" Points
1,000 'Interesting Stuff' Points
1,000 'I love Pok�mon!' Points
1,000 "C King Is Sorry" Points
1,000 "Thanx For The Team Rating" Points
1,500 Sorry For Your Trouble Points
2,000 2nd Experience points
10,000 "Flame Thrower" Points
20,000 Bad Meaningless Points (meaningless so they're not bad :)
40,000 Stupid Flareon Disser Points
1,000,000 Shut-Up Points

Wow! Do I really have that many Points? :)

-==(o)==- I give out: -==(o)==-
- The Kewl Website Award
- The Quote of the Week Award
- "Hehe, dat's kewl" Points
- "Meee-owth, Dat's Right!" Points
- JDK Interesting Mew Theory Points
- JDK Ditto points, which can transform into other types of points as required :)
although they can never quite get the face right :)

James: Why don't you check out our website?
Brock: Aagh! Let us out of this thing!

-==(o)==- My Pok�mon Squad: -==(o)==-
Sub-Zero the Vaporeon
Raiden the Raichu
Spitfire the Magmar
Raziel the Gengar
Venusaur and Butterfree, no nicknames

-==(o)==- Quotes: -==(o)==-
"In hindsight, perhaps I should have tried that when the truck wasn't moving."
-- Helix, Freefall (

"I like snorlax because he is lazy, like me lol and he kicks but"
-- Batty Matty

-- Christian Kruse

"Beep! Beep!"
-- Ninetales Fan

"Thanks for the points"
-- Kev

"I HATE free points give-aways!!"
-- Ruliz

-- C King

"Amazing what you think about to take your mind off the
vomit taste in your mouth"
-- Cybermoose

"Steve Brunton made me do it. It's all his fault."
-- TiredGamer

-- Mole12a

-- Jedah

"You made me laugh. I sound like a robot."
-- C King

"Oh yeah, and then this girl came in and........urrrr...that was a
different dream..."
-- Matt Cutler

"Don't blame me. I only just got back from nowhere."
-- Cara Pollock

"Please refresh my memory manually, the F5 key isn't working"
-- Pokemon Fan

"There were a lot of various arguments and the way most were sorted out
was by hitting each other with the foam baseball bats."
-- Jay Miner, 1992

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails