AmigaActive (1838/2059)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:28 Aug 2000 at 22:16:40
Subject:Re: OT GCSE Results

Hi Jonathan, on 28-Aug-00, you wrote:

> Additional Maths though... it's pointless, I mean, they're
> teaching us how to 'differentiate' and 'integrate' and how to find
> various numbers
>> from various other numbers... what use, apart from perhaps Quantum
> Mechanics, could this kind of maths have? More to the point, what
> the hell does it all mean?

It's not pointless or useless at all. You need basic maths like
calculus, trigonometry, vector maths, complex numbers, matrices,
differential equations, etc, if you're going to be going on to do any
kind of physics, engineering, computer science, astronomy, or of
course maths.

Understanding and being able to do this kind of maths is vital to
being able to understand these subjects.


Posso mangiare il vetro, non mi fa male

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