AmigaActive (230/2059)

From:Simon Preston
Date:3 Aug 2000 at 20:24:04
Subject:Re: Elf Needs Help, Art Subject

On 03-Aug-00, Ray Elf ( wrote...

> I would like to know how to put my name into the binderies of a picture so
> this will prevent any one ripping off my work etc... I use PPaint7, Dpaint
> 5. ImageFX. If there is a quick way please let me know. ;o)

Yup. See that /*A*/ symbol in DPaint or PPaints toolbar? Click on it and play
with that... ;^)

> Thank you for your help see ya later :o)

No really, just click on it then point the mouse at the picture (usually
where you want the text to be ;^)) and start typing...


Simon Preston

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