AmigaActive (379/2059)

From:George Davis
Date:4 Aug 2000 at 22:21:08
Subject:Re: Aliens

On 04-Aug-00, Gareth Griffiths wrote:

> The problem I've found with all Aliens games to date (and I'm going OT here)
> is that they don't concentrate on the suspense and terror aspect, they're
> just blast-em-ups.

Have you seen the Aliens Quake? Walking along a dark corridor with the motion
tracker going is pretty scary sometimes.Especially as the aliens tend to jump
out from the dark and chop you up in one hit.

> Apparently, Alien Resurrection (soon to be released on
> PSX) is a suspensey game ;-) YAAY! :-)

I heard it was going to be rubbish,but it's by the team who wrote Starglider 2,
so it might not be that bad.

> Imagine walking down a badly-lit corridor with just a gun and a shoulder lamp.

You have a PPC now,don't you? Try Aliens Quake.
The only problem is,I don't think you can get it anymore..
(and it's 15MB,so I'm not emailing it to you :)


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