AmigaActive (428/2059)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 01:34:14
Subject:Re: Linux? Tell me more.

Hi John, on 04-Aug-00, you wrote:

>> But it doesn't mean saying 'bye bye' to existing software. If you
>> install Linux on your system you can still run your Amiga software,
>> it just means rebooting into AmigaOS.
> But...but..but! If I have to do that, why would I install Linux?

Well why were you thinking of installing Linux in the first place?
It's useful if you use the Internet a lot, it's designed with
networking in mind, so it's more secure than AmigaOS, and will give
you access to a greater range of programs.

It's updated more often, and you're more likely to find new software
appearing for Linux than for the Amiga. For me, the main reason to try
it is just to see what alternatives are there. Chances are, if you
enjoy playing about with computers, you'll enjoy playing about with
Linux. You can always go back to AmigaOS if you're not happy :) But,
if nothing else, you will have increased your knowledge of computers.

> That tells me that I'd need to start again with all new software
> to benefit from Linux.

Yes, that's true. It's a completely different operating system, you
might as well be moving to Windows for all the similarities it has to
AmigaOS. On the plus side, most of the software you use on Linux will
be free, so it won't cost you anything to start afresh, except your
time in setting it all up.


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