AmigaActive (488/2059)

From:Ross Whiteford
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 23:20:25
Subject:Re: Power PC Repairs

Hi Gareth,

>Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 17:35:18 +0100
> From: Gareth Griffiths <>
>Subject: Re: Power PC Repairs

>��� Sender: Ross Whiteford <>
>��� On 05-Aug-00, you wrote about [amigactive] Re: Power PC Repairs...

>> My A1200 did exactly that until I upgraded to a 100w PSU. With a setup
>> like yours I doubt you're using a standard PSU or an A500 PSU so you
>> *should* have enough power.

>Possible, but the lead connecting to the floppy power port (the one where
>the floppy drive plgs into on a desktop) is coming from a 250w PSU in my
>tower, so that's gotta be enough power, surely?

I would think so, yes. Was the connection to the floppy power port a
modification you made yourself or was it in the instructions that came with
the board? The Eyeline Direct article gave advice on how to connect the PPC
to other power 'points' on the mobo.

>> I read an issue of "Eyeline Direct" (which mysteriously stopped appearing
>> a while ago) which provide advice on how to connect an extra power feed
>> the PPC board - I don't own a PPC myself :( so I've never tried it, but
>> perhaps you should aski if they've got any spare copies of Eyeline Direct
>> in stock.

>Was that the one that was in Amiga Format every now and again? If so, I may
>have it in my collection.

'fraid not. I'm referring to the monthly newsletter Eyetech's Amiga Tech
Support people wrote. It was subscriber-only (£6 for 12 issues IIRC) but I
stopped receiving it after about 5 issues.

I doubt Eyetech will have any copies left in stock (this was a year ago I
think) but I'm sure I've got my copy somewhere - give me a few days and I'll
see if I can find it.

>Catch ya later,

All the best!

Ross Whiteford

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