AmigaActive (55/2059)

From:roger buckley
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 14:11:13
Subject:Re: Amiga Active 11

Hello Alan

On 01-Aug-00, you wrote:

> hi,
>> I get the impression the mag is written for people who are ignorant that
>> there is a whole computing world beyond red and white balls.
> eh? AA contains almost the best environment for Amiga readers without saying
> 'Amiga is all there is'. the only mag that could beat it, historically, is
> AUI. If you want more general computing info, then buy somethign like
> PC Today
>> Unlike those I have talked to who no longer buy AA, I tried to give some
>> feedback re issue 10. I think it's important to have a mag on the shelves
>> in news agents so people know there are still plenty of people to turn to
>> for help (or something...).
> it is...but with whinging people like you around it seems that even with one
> existing shlef-mag, people arent happy :-|
Well said Alan. I find a lot in the magazines that doesn't interest me at the
moment but it's like the Wired articles in CU which I skipped at the time but
when I went on line they were a valuable source of information. You cannot
have a magazine tailormade for one person's interests unless you want sales
of 1.
On the whole I reckon AA is excellent value and getting better with each
issue. Like Neil said positive feedback is needed if you want the magazine to
reflect your particular interests.



Amiga 1200, Viper 68030 Mk V Accel with 50Mhz FPU and 16 MBFast, Seagate 410MB
2.5" internal HD and 800MB SCSI & 2G HD in a midi tower with 4xCDRom. 56k
Modem, Power Port Junr Serial IF G.Image Hand Scanner & Citizen Swift
ICQ-62990780 Robuck2
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

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