AmigaActive (632/2059)

Date:8 Aug 2000 at 20:58:13
Subject:RE: Fudge, No Recipe

> Simon Preston :
>Could someone tell me why? Whats the advantage of spending two and a
>half grand on a turntable?

Status, bayy-beeeyyyyy! </mikemyers>

You too can be in the in-crowd, the cognoscenti. And you can have your
opinion validated by industry shills -er, reviewers and copy writers -
and then turn a noble straight nose into the air at all poor cobblers
who just rely on their ears and their sense of proportion to make
purchase decisions.

...Kinda sneaky posting a few messages on the topic and then in the next
one saying it doesn't belong here, isn't it? ; } Having your torte and
eating it too.

I think this one started like so many of them do, by someone insinuating
that if 8-bit was good enough for their ancestors, it's good enough for
them, dadgumit! And strengthening that proclamation by referring to some
questionable 16-bit card that of course is the standard by which all
16-bit sound is measured by {then the topic DID have Amiga relevance ; }

<-- greenboy ---<<<

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