AmigaActive (84/2059)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 22:23:13
Subject:Re: Amiga Active 11

Hi Mike, on 01-Aug-00, you wrote:

> I get the impression the mag is written for people who are ignorant
> that there is a whole computing world beyond red and white balls.

If you mean they concentrate on the Amiga, well that's natural, being
an Amiga mag and all. They generally have a lot more generic products
(printers, digicams, CD burners) for review than other Amiga mags have
had in the past, which suggests to me that they would rather *not*
focus on purely Amiga-only hardware. Also in the news section of AA11
there's a Microsoft article a page long. I'm not sure what your point
is here.

> What little news there is I read online before it appears in print.

That's the nature of the medium.

> Rants & Raves : Bad idea imo. Skip three pages.

A very *good* idea imo. I always enjoy reading opinion columns, it's
something I missed in the hiatus between CU and AA.

> 15 years of amiga : done to death already. IMO, nothing can beat
> Edge magazine's article on the history of the Amiga. Skip six pages.

But the Amiga hasn't been around for 15 years until now, so how can it
have been done to death? I understand what you're saying, but just
because it's been done in other magazines, does that mean AA shouldn't
do it?

> Amiga Writer : hmm, it sucks and gets 3 pages. Yet, PageStream ruled
> and got 2. Skip those three.

So you're saying don't review it because it sucks? Why should a good
product get a longer review than a bad one? In my opinion it's more
important that they review this version of AmigaWriter (which, I might
add, is the worst name for a word processor I've ever heard) and list
all it's bad points, so that H&P can work to improve it.

> Eyetech EZTower Z4 : I already have my 1200 in a tower, it's very
> nice and does it's job very well. Skip two.

It doesn't interest you, fair enough, it doesn't interest me either.
But your argument is that AA doesn't seem professional, I'm not
exactly sure how this helps to prove your point.

> Art Effect : doesn't interest me. TVPaint, PPaint, SuperView etc
> meet my needs. Skip.

See my previous comment.

> YAM2.1 : I already decided YAM sucks thanks. Guess? :)

And many other people have decided they like it. Do you know what new
features have been added to YAM since you last tried it? And if not
how can you make a judgement on its current incarnation? Unless of
course you read a review of it...

> Shareware :
> Amtelnet is a rip off.
> TView, I don't watch TV that much.
> SimpleFTP, opus is fine thanks.
> Mah-Jong, great game. but nothing beats the ZX spectrum version. :)

All your opinions, but it doesn't help to explain why you think Amiga
Active is less professional than a fanzine.

> Programming in C : No thanks. DHTML and PHP do me.

You're trying to tell me you can do everything that's possible with C
in HTML and PHP? They're completely different things, so how can you
make this comparison?

> Letters + the guru : couldn't be bothered, hugely unimpressed with
> the mag thus far I can't bring myself to read anymore.

I think this says more about your attitude than it does about the
professionalism of the AA staff.


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