AmigaActive (871/2059)

From:Bart King
Date:10 Aug 2000 at 11:21:40
Subject:Amiga Basic Windows

At 08-Aug-00 09:04:21, "G.A.Griggs" <> wrote:

> >PH Huh? AmigaBASIC has a proper window command...

> Show me the syntax.

Well, I still have my Amiga BASIC manual which came with my first A500
all those years ago... I no longer have the A500 though.

Anyway, the manual has been involved in a few "fatal insect" incidents,
but here's what the manual says on page 8-160. (I used OCR on this, so
if there are any errors, blame that.)


WINDOW window-id [,[title][,[rectangle][,[type][,screen-id]]]]
WINDOW CLOSE window-id

The statements create an Output window, close an Output window, or cause
the named window to become the current Output window without making it
the active window (front and highlighted).

The WINDOW function returns information about the current window.

The WINDOW statement performs the following functions:

of the screen.

PRINT, CIRCLE, and PSET to write text and graphics to the window.

To make an existing window current, without forcing it to the front of
the screen, use the WINDOW OUTPUT statement.

The window-id is a number from 1 to N that identifies the window. Window
1 is the Output window that appears when Amiga Basic is started,
therefore you should specify 2 or higher if you want to make a new

The title is a string expression that is displayed in the window's Title
Bar, if it has a Title Bar. Window 1 displays the name of the current
program or "BASIC" if no program is loaded when Amiga Basic initializes

The type determines the options available to the user in manipulating a
window using the mouse. The type also determines whether a window
appears empty or re-displays its contents once it reappears after being
covered by another window.


There are another three pages, but not shown here... you really should
have the manual :)

Example: WINDOW 1, "Wooo", (10,10)-(300,200), 15

Bart King of Bartman Software : Software Developer for Amiga/PC/PHP4
Work: --
Own : --
. . . . . . . damned that I do, damned that I don't. . . . . . . .

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