AmigaActive (875/2059)

From:Steve Clark
Date:10 Aug 2000 at 18:44:03
Subject:Re: DJ decks, home decks (Re: Fudge, No Recipe x:Mpeg 3 playback.)

Hello Simon

> I wish I could get one! My budget is about £400, which means either a
> Numark DJ kit or a Pair of Gemini XL500 mk2 with the 626 mixer.

If you get a cheap one in order to get a pair, you can disguise the lower
sound quality by running a sound sample of an air conditioning unit in the
background, from the moment the doors open.

People notice it at first but get used to it quickly. They blame the venue
rather than the band.
Now if you were doing this in the 1970's at an
underground festival gig, you could do mental things with this sample,
like altering its pitch, playing it backwards and replacing it with a
backwards drum loop, to name but a few.

You can then spend the evening in hysterics as your see the poor sods in
the audience falling over or zonning out as they try to figure out whats
going on.

/me looks into the "Hawkwinds 10,000 ways to mess with the minds of your
fans" book for any other ideas for low budget effects

hardy har har =O)


Steve Clark
General manager "If you wanna get into it,
DruidPoet Productions you've gotta get out of it"

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails