AmigaActive (95/2059)

From:roger buckley
Date:2 Aug 2000 at 00:49:05
Subject:Re: Old demos (esp Juggler)

Hello Richard

On 02-Aug-00, you wrote:

>> I came across a more recent Schwartz anim which included an updated
>> Movieplayer, but I can't remember which anim it was with and I can't
>> find MP on Aminet. This version behaved properly.
> MovieSetter was given away on CU-Amiga a few years back, twice iirc one even
> came with a book on the cover, maybe the newer version of the player is
> included. I'll see if I can dig it out.
Just had a look with opus and no version number on the player or Moviesetter
apart from the date on the icon for movieplayer is 13-12-88 and size 65,600
bytes if that's any help.



Amiga 1200, Viper 68030 Mk V Accel with 50Mhz FPU and 16 MBFast, Seagate 410MB
2.5" internal HD and 800MB SCSI & 2G HD in a midi tower with 4xCDRom. 56k
Modem, Power Port Junr Serial IF G.Image Hand Scanner & Citizen Swift
ICQ-62990780 Robuck2
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