AmigaActive (951/2059)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:11 Aug 2000 at 10:54:38
Subject:Re: Amiga Piracy

>> then CD games only read their data off CD0: - and assigns (or their PSX
>> equiv.) were not possible. That'd stop that. For a while. Probably ;-)
> Hmm possibly. As you probably know, it wouldn't work for the Amiga though
> cos the CD doesn't have to be CD0 and it can be dismounted and an assign
> of the volumename made to the HD.

Yeah, I know. OS3.5 does it when you boot from the emergency disk :-)

> But still for the PS2 this will be cracked. Crackers can remove dongles,
> on disk copy protection etc etc. Crackers are some of the most intelligent
> people using computers. They are like graffiti artists. What they do is
> quite astounding, but quite often they are breaking the law.

Yeah, agreed. A lot of them have got degrees in programming or what have
you, so could quite easily use their talents to legal means, but they prefer
the challenge of cracking established code.

>> There's a really effective solution - but it wouldn't really help the
> Amiga
>> much - don't release software ;-)
> Or release it all for nothing ;-)

:-) Either way, it has the same effect on the market, really ;-) What's to
lose? :-)


__/__/__/ __/__/__/ # Gareth 'GazChap' Griffiths #
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__/__/__/ __/__/__/ � A1200T-060 � OS3.5 � 18M � 4.3G HD �

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