AmigaOS3.5 (52/59)

From:Shane Ponting
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 04:10:26
Subject:Re: CD Drive

It sounds like you've got a worser form of what my DAD's A4k had.
I think from memory that increasing the CD drives total stack fixes this so go to the CD Prefs & crank up some of the memory usage. Max Transfer might fix it but since your system "hangs after a while" it seems that it may be there is not enough memory allocatino for the CD drive task or related tasks.

> Hi all,
> I have developed a problem with my cd.For some reason I cannot
> transfer large files to my HD or install programs anymore. Even when
> viewing programs it hangs after a while and freezes WB. I have not to
> my knowledge changed anything since I installed 3.5 back in january.I
> was thinking that I might have to change the maxtransfer from 1000000
> to something a little smaller,but Im not sure of what value to use.
> Anyone got any Ideas, Im at a loss.I have an A1200 18meg ram 68030/40
> mmu, I am using OS3.5, with wbctrl and fblit in the startup-sequence.
> 2 speed CDRom with squirrel and cacheCDFS.

> All the best

> John

Shane Ponting
New Zealand