BVPPC (3/18)

From:Alkis Tsapanidis
Date:2 Aug 2000 at 05:42:32
Subject:BVision Video RAM problems...:(((((HHHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!:((((((

I have some problems with my DCE BVision...
I just installed it on my Amiga (it's been in the box for a month or
so as I have been using a P5 one I borrowed from a friend of
mine...but now he got it back...)When i eat up too much Video RAM
in large heavy gfx websites or high 24bit resolutions or even HUGE
scenes in Heretic 2 I started having a lot of overdrawing and gfx
corruption...It's musting be a heating problem as i installed a
heatsink with some heatsink compound as eyetech advised me in order
not to void my warranty as glueing it down would...The permedia 2 chip
is just warm now even when I have it clocked at 97mhz using CGX
(note:the chip itself is cool not only the heatsink which means that
it can't be bad conduction between the heatsink and the PM2.
I even suspected a faulty SDRAM chip but sending it off to dce
I will have to wait ages to see it again as none of the card send to
them got back and I can't stand getting back to AGA DBlPAL

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