Blitz (1/193)

From:James L Boyd
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 02:39:18
Subject:Re: String Constants

> > I'm really not sure what you're after, but I know that you can get the
> > length of the string from &a$-4 (ie. address of a$ minus 4)...any use?
> Partially. It does tell me more about the String format.
> What I'm after is to define string constants in my program rather than
> assign string variables. Something like

> Then I can use this as a source in a move e.g.
> Something$ = MyString$
> but not as a destination
> MyString$ = SomeThing$ ; Invalid
> The point is to cut down on initialization time and excutable size.

Hmm, I hope you'll post the finished article, cos I have no idea what you
mean :)

See ya,

James L Boyd.
My comments do not reflect the views of myself or anyone I know.
Connected from Fife, Scotland.
Death to the Pixies!

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