From: | David McMinn |
Date: | 17 Aug 2000 at 12:45:44 |
Subject: | Re: Showing Pics on WB |
> ATM I use FindScreen and HideScreen to make a screen move to the back. Is
> there a way to make the back screen arrive at the front?
> I could use FindScreen and ShowScreen, but I need a way of hooking onto the
> backmost screen.
There's no OS function for finding the backmost screen, so I doubt there's a
Blitz function for it.
However, going through the list of screens I have open, the last screen seems
to be at the end of the list starting from the frontmost screen (FirstScreen in
intuitionbase). You could do something like this:
Function.l FindBackScreen{}
*ib.IntuitionBase = IntuitionBase
iblock.l = LockIBase_(0)
*fscr.Screen = *ib\FirstScreen
if *fscr
while *fscr\NextScreen
*fscr = *fscr\NextScreen
end if
UnlockIBase_ iblock
function return *fscr
End Function
*scr.Screen = FindBackScreen{}
ScreenToFront_ *scr
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